ghostchan 发表于 2008-12-30 16:03 只看TA 13楼 |
卡巴不应该不行,楼主先进安全模式,在启动项里面把系统启动之外的都删了,然后记住删掉的启动项名称,到注册表里搜索,看着像病毒的删掉 |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2008-12-30 19:57 只看TA 17楼 |
重新装系统比较安全,也可以尝试带网络连接的安全模式下结束奇怪的进程,然后启动瑞星试试,如果瑞星能启动,那么在线更新到最新版本再进行全盘杀毒. |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2008-12-30 20:42 只看TA 18楼 |
As what others advised. it's better to reinstall your OS. If you insist on cleaning it, try Kaspersky rescue disc. Here’s the detailed step-by-step on how to use Kaspersky Rescue Disk. 1. Download latest Kaspersky Rescue Disk ISO. @ 2. Burn the ISO with your CD/DVD burning software. 3. After finished burning Kaspersky Rescue Disk to CD, insert the CD to your CD/DVD-ROM, and boot up your computer with it. |
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