SIS里的朋友 包括那些走了 的老朋友 不认识 的朋友 新来的朋友 还有那些默默为SIS奉献的朋友 给不给高亮不重要,o(∩_∩)o... 重在交流,热闹 推荐理由:这是死神BLEACH的第一支ED,相信也是给许多死神迷留下最深刻印象的一首,当然这也是Rie fu最富盛名的歌曲,她那柔软的声线总能够贴近人心,给人有一种安慰感觉。尤其在这个乍冷的初秋,听听便会觉得暖洋洋,很治愈. nobody knows who i really am i never felt this empty before and if i ever need someone to come along who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong we are all rowing the boat of fate the waves keep on comin' and we can't escape but if we ever get lost on your way the waves would guide you thru another day hくで息をしてる透明になったみたい 暗に思えたけど目lしされてただけ 祈りをささげて新しい日を待つ rやかに光る海その果てまで nobody knows who i really am maybe they just don't give a damn but if i ever need someone to come along i know you would follow me and keep me strong 人の心はうつりゆくiけ出したくなる つきはまた新しい周期で舟をbれてく and every time i see your face the oceans heave up to my heart you make me wanna strain at the oars and soon i can see the shore i want you to know who i really am i never though i'd feel this way towards you and if you ever need someone to come along i will follow you and keep you strong 旅はまだaいてくgやかな日も つきはまた新しい周期で舟をbれてく 祈りをささげて新しい日を待つ rやかに光る海その果てまで and every time i see your face the oceans heave up to my heart you make me wanna strain at the oars and soon i can see the shore 运命の舟を漕ぎ 波は次から次へと 私たちを袭うけど それも素敌な旅ね どれも素敌な旅ね 纵然只是一刻 百年似的My Friend愿你听着这一首歌
[flv]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzY3MzI1Nzgw/v.swf[/flv] 音乐地址:http://url.cn/DjzybJ